In case you missed it earlier today we are doing a Spring Bookmark Exchange!
Here's the info:
The deadline to sign up is April 3, email me and I will email you the invite.
You have until the end of the day April 3 to go to Elfster and set up your info (nestie name, real name, mailing info *remember only your elf can see your address)
After the 3rd names will be drawn and you will get an email with who your elf is.
Mail your bookmark so they are there by April 20.
The money limit is $15. You can buy or make the bookmark.
Let me know if you have any questions.
The basics of the exchange:
Since I know we have some new people since the last one and I'm sure there will be questions.
Basically here are the steps.
*Someone sets up an exchange on Elfster and then lets everyone know to email them, they then send out an invite so that nesties can go to elfster and sign up
*Nestie then goes and signs up (putting their nestie name, real name, and mailing info (this is set to private so that ONLY the person who gets your name can see it).
* Once the deadline to sign up passes the organizer tells Elfster to draw and match names, nesties then get an email telling them who they will be sending a bookmark to
* Now you can ask your nestie questions on Elfster (they come across without a name so they don't know who you are) and/or you can do polls here to get an idea of what to send (for example last time my elf asked if I liked Twilight and she made me a Twilight bookmark)
* You then mail them a bookmark by the date we set (these can be homemade, bought from the store/etsy/etc). Make sure you put your nest name somewhere so they know who you are
*You get your bookmark in the mail and post on here to let your elf know you got it
The important thing to remember with this is to only sign up if you really intend to mail out a bookmark, it's not fair to someone if they send one off and don't get one in return.